Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Satya Mohan Joshi and his Transfer of Intangible Cultural Heritage

It was privilege to meet our very own cultural advocate Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi at his residence near Mangal Bazaar, Patan.  He was accompanied by his son 68 year old Anu Raj Joshi, a retired air traffic controller. 

Mr. Joshi is very renowned for his research in history and culture of Nepal and has more than 60 books in his credits. He is the 3 times winner of Madan Puruskar. He is currently the Chancellor of Nepal Bhasa Academy.

No one can imagine that this 98 year old cheerful, spirited and assertive person is still occupied for a new publication. Certainly he has a deep understanding about Nepali way of life, culture and philosophy.

With reference to a Chinese Nobel laureate he illuminates on the amorphousness of Life and Death. If there is a life within us, a death is also present in us from the very start. There are chances that one can overpower the other any moment. Life and death are indeed hallucinatory realism for him.

He emphasized the transfer of Intangible Cultural Heritage among the Nepali citizen. This would foster brotherhood between the people of Nepal and with international community. Why would a person harm other if there is such an emotional connection? The deadlock in the current social scenario; the ongoing debate in caste, ethnicity, regionalism and our struggle for development could have been addressed way earlier if this rope of cultural heritage was intact and active.

My motto: One step ahead, everyday.

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