This is first day at his new school and the foremost day at grade ten. Jeweled with a new version of charm and confidence, Aakash is seen gushing with smiles. He tries to enchant everybody with it. Without his specks he looks strange than ever. Freaky and peppy he appears.
He introduces himself to his new classmates. Some friends welcome him with excited handshakes and other with certain suspicion in their eyes.
The time is divided and is suspicious.
Yet everyone seems enjoyed welcoming a new companion.
As the school bell rings at sharp 10, the hustle- bustle inside the school premises suddenly recedes. Then enters their class teacher of Shakespearean hair style having a strongly buildup body.

He is present with an arrogant charm, as what everyone sense.
“Good mor………ning Sirrrrrrrrrrrrr!”
The class greets in a dull manner like that of Grade 2 students.
“Good morning, my students.” The teacher responds in a commanding voice full of energy.
“Well many new faces here, let them be introduced with me. Hey man! One facing backward! Be straight. What’s your name?”
He is probably a new student and was exchanging his companionship with the oldies. Listening to the roaring call he looses his confidence and then stammers,
“I ….am Shiii…va Sir.”
The teacher retaliates in his husky voice, “Shiivaa! Shiva, what?”
“Ka…ka Kailash.”
Aakash imitates. Everyone chuckles at his remarks. Shiva goes stunned. Everyone looks at this impersonator.
“Who’s that scoundrel? Hey you are the one!”
The teacher marks at Aakash.
“You! The one. Yes. Stand up and tell me why and what are you imitating? Are you some joker? What do you want to prove, you smarty? Don’t you know it’s rude to imitate someone’s disabilities?”
Everyone holds up their breath as Chettri goes red.
The moment gets jammed in the space. Silence wrap up every corner of the class room.
“Come to the front. Hold up your ears, kneel down and act chicken,” he orders.
Petrified for a moment, he initiates to carry out the order. Suddenly, what he assumes, he appeals in a feeble voice, “Sir! We are too big to be chickens, can’t there be other options?”
“No.” The teacher goes furious.
“Ku khuri kan!” He enacts as if a cock.
“What the hell are you here for? Don’t infuriate me again. Kneel down properly. You need not to be a rooster otherwise I will roast you and eat you. Be a chicken. Chicken!” he orders.
Aakash follows the order. The energy that is reflected in his eyes gushes with mischief.
“Well I am your Chettri Sir.” Mr. Chettri writes his full name Rajendra Chettri in the black board. Then he continues-
“And I would be teaching you Chemistry. I am of clear opinion that if you want your feelings to be respected, you should respect that of others too. A must to have quality of a noble man. Anyone violating this rule will definitely get punishments of these kinds.”
His opinion seals the lips of every student. No one dares to question his opinion in difference nor dares anyone to giggle.
“I am your class teacher. As my student you should be abide my rules.”
He stops for a while and then peeks to know weather the students are paying attention to him.
“You should be punctual. Neatness and tidiness in your dress sense, behaviour and character is my demand. Being well disciplined and respectful to your teachers and elders helps you to learn the old processes to make the new ones. The fourth and last thing is you must be quiet and attentive while I take the lessons. No side talks and no whispers. Do you copy?”
“Yes Sir.”
The class endorses it with a loud, energetic harmony of cheer as like that of recruit in the military training camp.
An Aakash stand up from his position and articulates, “Sir, I am a new student here. I am not acquainted to your rules. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone or Shiva. I was making some jesting for my new mates. My act is not punishable if you realize that we are in the learning process. We can understand things if you state clearly. As what you already said, ‘one should understand other feelings for you to be understood’. I think you will forgive me for this first mistake. I assure you not to repeat it again.”
Aakash pleads convincingly. But as his behaviour, Chettri reacts,
“You think a lot smarty and move your mouth even more than that. Hunh! Huh?”
“You are not here to advise, you are here to study,” he adds.
“Well now get to your seat and don’t repeat this act from now. Apologize Shiva.”
“I am sorry Shiva.”
Aakash apologizes. Shiva nods his eyes in agreement of forgiveness.
“Well students we are starting organic chemistry from today. This is the first lesson, about the structure of Carbon.”
Chettri lowers his tone.
By: Raj Basyal (to be continued...)
My motto: One step ahead, everyday.