I was walking aside,
With my two friends besides.
I saw a poor lying helpless in the street,
I was shocked when I saw him without his feet.
He was asking for the alms,
And was crying for penny.
I felt pity on him,
And gave his some money.
I asked him his history,
With a mournful face he told me his story.
Blown up his feet in second Great War,
Far and far.
Though he had done a lot for them,
Now he is living like a tame.
I desired I could do some for him,
And be an animal like man.
By: Raj Basyal
All the writings will be related to the Psychosocial Engineering of a Writer, Psychologist, Lecturer, Researcher, Storyteller/Filmmaker, Athlete and a honest human being - Raj Basyal.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Nightmare
“You are at existence, you are at nightmare.”
Trin… trin. It was just three o’clock in the morning and I alerted myself from a profound sleep on listening the irksome telephone call.
I took the receiver. A female voice guided me. The women requested me to come to the Peoples Hospital. She said that Trishna was waiting for me at ward no. 12, bed no. 204, and then there was off connection.
I was dumbfounded with this information. After a long span of time Trishna had connected me and this was rush moment she called. A cold chill ran through my spine. As she wanted to meet me at the Peoples Hospital, I sensed a horrible accident.
Quickly I dressed up and took my car keys. In no time I embarked in my car to the destiny, Peoples hospital, New Road, ward no. 12, bed no. 204.
In my memory lane there recalled the past. It was about twelve years ago, when I was in class nine. I came from a village to the town for the secondary education. I used to live in a rented room near my school and my father used to send me money to arrange for my food, school fees, house rent and accessories. One of my cousins used to accompany me in the room.
I was an introvert boy and was form the village. So none accompanied me in the class. I was alone. But two to three after my first day in class appeared a cheerful, joy-making girl Trishna. She was tall, much taller than me and full grown than me.
When she saw me, at once she came near me and introduced herself. She said she wished to be my friend. I answered positive because she seemed so joyful and was who truly wanted to be my pal.
Days passed and we were best friends. She told me everything about her family and I too did. She called me ‘Bhai’ meaning brother and I too respected her as my own elder sister. Thus we had a brother- sister relations.
She had got one problem. She had got two sisters and no brother. She approached many so-called brothers but she was frustrated with them as they acted as brother only to be nearer to her smaller sisters. She hated those ‘Bhais’ but I assured her that I would be a true brother. I promised that I would ever be a brother to her sisters.
Thus we were very- very close like a family. I visited their home timely. In Tihar, I was invited and they put Tika on my forehead and a garland of love. They were very happy to get a new brother. Thus in many ways our relation had grown stronger day by day.
Once it so happened that I had no money to pay for my fees. In the mean time I had to fill up the SLC form. My father hadn’t sent me money because he had been to India. The situation was that, no money wastage of a year and probably wastage of life. But at the mean time my dear sister knew about this and she requested her father to pay for my fees and accessories. He did it. I was very grateful for Trishna and her family.
“ A trouble full of day will make you know about yourself and your friends.”
After SLC we had to depart. I was to go to India for my higher studies. Trishna and her family were very sad as I was parting out from their company. Tears rolled down their eyes and when they bid me bye at the airport I couldn’t resist my eyes too.
“ We depart, but our destiny is the same, a mouthful of smile.”
At once I landed to the present from the memories of my past. I drove as fast as I could. I was in a rush to reach the hospital.
When I reached the hospital I hastily searched the way for ward no. 12. It was I.C.U. Outside the ward a woman was sobbing. A painful chill again ran through my spine. I entered the ward and saw the bed for which I was there. In the bed, there was Trishna. I approached her and saw her eyes wide open. I felt her forehead. It was extremely cold. I was shocked, she was there dead.
I was shattered. I thought it was just a nightmare but it wasn’t. My dear sister was not in the world. My heart urged me to weep.
Instantly, I heard a child weep and he was put in the bed asides Trishna’s bed. I came out of the room. The sobbing woman handed me a letter written as follows;
Dear brother,
A last farewell toast to you from your grieved sister. Time is very short for me and I have tried to acquaint you in short.
I thought life was cherish, full of fun and enthusiasms. Its true, but for those who can struggle, who can overcome the life and who can segregate the pride. Brother, I tried. I struggled with life but I could not overpower it. It dragged me instead of I to drag the life.
When I married him first, I thought I was to heaven. I got a lot of love and affection from him. He was my choice and he was my love. But it was just instantaneous. Bed of roses has thorns in them. Its true we fade away with love like we fade away with sugar. An acute misunderstanding aroused between us. We didn’t know who did mistake and who was arrogant but we quarreled and quarreled. We didn’t try to solve the misunderstanding, kept on continuing our pride. Finally we estranged.
At the time we divorced, I was pregnant. After six month I came to know that he committed suicide in grief of separation. He wrote me that in his last letter. I was much disturbed with this fact and frustrated with life too. I thought of committing suicide but for the sake of our sign of love, our baby who is in my womb, I dumped the idea. I think I will not live much. I am very weak and have got no enthusiasm for life. I just long for eternity with him. So brother I beg you to look after my baby after my death. I am sure you will keep the words of your poor sister.
Never mind but let not a single drop of tear to roll down your eyes seeing my corpse. I know the selfish world won’t respect it. Adieu.
Yours sister
Janeharu gaisake, jiuineli sahara deu
Choto cha you jeevan, aaphulie kinara deu. (Read in Nepali)
Let those leave who have gone,
Give support to those who live,
The life is very short,
Bank it.
Dedicated to my brothers.
By: Raj Basyal
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wasana: My fragrance
You can’t compel me to love you again.
I will love you if I will,
I wont if I don’t.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Everyone points me as mystery.
They are blind, they don’t know,
The worse you created in my history.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Rama had seen you compelling me to love.
Jesus had seen you attracting me with your fragrance.
Oh, my Buddha had seen you deceiving me.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Ah, you can’t compel me to love again.
Coz you fear with shame.
And oh my fragrance, you fear with my name.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
By: Raj Basyal
I will love you if I will,
I wont if I don’t.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Everyone points me as mystery.
They are blind, they don’t know,
The worse you created in my history.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Rama had seen you compelling me to love.
Jesus had seen you attracting me with your fragrance.
Oh, my Buddha had seen you deceiving me.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
Ah, you can’t compel me to love again.
Coz you fear with shame.
And oh my fragrance, you fear with my name.
Wasana, hey Wasana.
By: Raj Basyal
Love, Play and The Hunters
In my sixteen,
On the stage of love,
Directed by her fragrance,
For a play,
For a supposed love,
I entered merrily.
But vain,
It was just the huntings of feelings.
We are all hunters of feelings.
Love, play and we the hunters
Love, play and we the hunters.
By: Raj Basyal
On the stage of love,
Directed by her fragrance,
For a play,
For a supposed love,
I entered merrily.
But vain,
It was just the huntings of feelings.
We are all hunters of feelings.
Love, play and we the hunters
Love, play and we the hunters.
By: Raj Basyal
Your Roses and My Love
Your Roses and My Love
Thanks for your roses, you gave,
And thanks for the thorn in it.
It will ever remind me of you,
It will remind me of a trance.
Tears of love don’t cause sorrow,
They become pearls.
But why can’t I shed tears for you?
My past,
Why don’t I love you?
Packets of envy and pride in you,
Let not me love you, my love.
Still I will hate you with love,
My rose, I will thrash you with flowers,
My past, I will hate you with love.
By: Raj Basyal
Thanks for your roses, you gave,
And thanks for the thorn in it.
It will ever remind me of you,
It will remind me of a trance.
Tears of love don’t cause sorrow,
They become pearls.
But why can’t I shed tears for you?
My past,
Why don’t I love you?
Packets of envy and pride in you,
Let not me love you, my love.
Still I will hate you with love,
My rose, I will thrash you with flowers,
My past, I will hate you with love.
By: Raj Basyal
Friday, January 23, 2009

Hey wanna ask me questions? Don’t; I have got no time .Eh, uh, hey! I’m busy, don’t bother me yaar. I’m on my job. Know me? I'm a glass from a distant country. Must you know my job? Yeah, yeah. I’m the reflecting one, a mirror. It has been thirty years since I have been clanged to this wall. To say, I know all the humdrum affairs, sob sniffles and rare smile of this lab. So I say you I have some sentiments on this lab, but why? You know I am a mirror, and a non-living, so why should I have such sentiments?
Must u have forgotten this old chap; why u should remember him? Abuse him. He is not to be appreciated, you say, I not. But still let me introduce him.
He is Mr. Bigyan Prasad. Hunh, do you remember him? No…o! Eh, brief introduction is not sufficient. Let me then explain him.
It was 2005 A.D, a foggy morning; I had seen the man with smile. Rather it was the happiest moment; I had seen the man with a blissful smile. He was romantic, knew why? He had put to an end a theory, Electron Dynamic. Late night I had seen the man drunk. Like a crazy lover he was kissing all the lab equipments, as if he was thanking those equipments. There after he approached me, saw his face and uttered, know me? In a prideful tone, he reveled; I can change soil to petrol. It’s a charisma of my theory Electron Dynamics. He added; now our country can sell petrol to Arab. Isn’t it magic? He boasted.
Wasn’t that magic? Yap.
But few days after some men in suit pierced into our lab. First of all they invited my master to work for their master; later they threatened him coz he was denying to work for them. He was shouting; he can’t betray his country; he would rather die than to give the formula. The patriot insulted those men in black. Towards the beginning of 2006 he was awarded a grand prize. Still he remained not pleased? I could see fringes of sorrows on his forehead? Why? Guess!
A month after, the lab was locked. Thereafter I was alone in the lab carrying my job as usual. People coming to know about the lab, rather say to make a fun of the lab and my master working for it, whispered that my master was made captive by the power in the horizon to seize the formula and make him work for them, which was true too. But it was rumored that he had eloped with his assistant Bivu wife. Hunh, what a great irony; a man who hated women throughout his adulthood was so accused. Ha, ha, ha its rumor that excites people here in his country. It’s worth being a non-respiring creature.
You know he loves and had loved this laboratory like his own child. Drunk, when romantic, he used to tell his sentiments to his assistant Bivushan, whom he called Bivu. Can be said those sentiments were for his lab, were from a true man. Drunk, once he narrated why he hated women?
It was two year after marriage with Kaushalya his brother Bishal passed away due to blood cancer. Bigyan Prasad at the time was far away in a city for his studies. He had to retreat back at sudden due to death of his beloved brother. His sister in law Kaushalya, who loved him like her own brother, was left to be a widow.
Days passed, but a sudden panic arose in the family, can be said a usual, can be said as tyranny of mother in law and sister- in -law. His mother and sister started insulting Kaushalya, they pointed out to be a cause of the death of her husband, husband killer. Soon they started giving her other physical and mental torture. Last of all the witches killed Kaushalya by burning her body with kerosene sprinkled all over her body.
Even if the beasts were punished still a fury against them in his heart let him hate all the women. He hated his mother, his sister and other women who hated other women. He kicked off them from his life coz he knew women have great instinct to kick other women from their territory.
Ha, ha, ha what a same; beasts disguised as human? It’s worth being a non-living creature. Ha, ha, ha.
Towards the end of the year 2006 there was third world war. Reason was one suspected; it was for land, it was for soil; it was for raw materials producing petrol. Great to name great the war was. Power in the horizon captured most of the world. The space the land and the oceans were full of red blood. Scream and shouts were the only song heard; song of tragic listened. Dead bodies were seen here and there with their beloved weeping over them. Orphans widows, and dads and mums were only the people seen juggling here and there with revengeful eyes, with wet eyes. With suffocating full smoky environments bang and boom were the only sound heard.
Actually it was war between blood thirsty Satan and blood spilling sovereign defender. But every thing had been sandwiched to beast ness; every human emotion had turned to savageness. Where were the doctrines of Lord Buddha?
At the end of 2018 the war ended. My master was freed to. He again retreated to his lab. But some questions were unanswered .Why did his dogmas surrendered? What had happened after he was kidnapped? Why is he so again keen on his researches? Has he planned something terrible? Why is he so mum? Questions unanswered.
No more Questions please. I am now to carry on my job. It’s his motion, emotions and his work full image is what I to capture.
Look at the 57-year-old man with his blissless eyes; an image of him full of rage. To say he does researches, but I have reflected a half part of his doings full of rage. Look how he handles the test tube, with a shaking hand, with wet eyes. Insane he is. But why he is so? Has he planned something terrible against the power in the horizon? Or he is on way for his new inventions? Might it be, might that be.
Let me now then do sketch of his work.
He has increased his pace of work. He has just taken two test tubes from a bioreactor. He is on way to intermingle these red and black solutions from them. Oh, the mixed solution comes to be pink. What is it?
Evil smile on my master face! Stop! Stop him. He is planning something terrible.
Two days have passed since his evil smile. What he had done in these 2 days I couldn't understand, truly saying. Its coz his actions, his thinking have now accelerated and hence I’m not able to amass his actions. With no same, I have to say you that, he thinks faster than the fastest reflection I do carry.
A thing he has done humorous. He ordered Bivu, who had brought him a small tiger cub in a cage. It's really funny, what do he intends? Is he planning to set up a zoo here in the lab?
He is now inserting a pink capsule in the loaf of flesh, which might be any of the capsules he had prepared within these 2 days. Hooked to a stick he has given the loaf to the tiger cub. See how is it munching?
Boom. Hey where from the sound came? Strange it is and it seems the sound is from next cosmos. Has some explosion taken?
Hunh, the cub is munching the bananas too. Hey am I dreaming or is it a silver screen? Must it be a ninth wonder?
Listen what my master says.
Ha, ha, ha. The genetic bomb has exploded all the savageness, all the bloodthirsty nature and made the cub a saint. Ha, ha, ha, it has deleted all its anomalies. Like way, the bomb would explode all brutal nature of man and I would then only be quenched, with the punishments given to their deadly nature. Soon it will create human race of new thinking shortage of all evil spirit.
Marvelous! What a supernatural invention is it? Its worth to be such a man, its worth being Bigyan Prasad. Ha, ha, ha.
By: Raj Basyal
This fiction is dedicated to my father Madhav Prasad Basyal and all the orphans of the world.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Be Faded With Love
It was a day after I slept with you.
You said,
I should love you ,
I should marry you.
Oh , rascal thoughts!
I only sleep with the best,
Please don't ignore me for this zest.
You reveled, you will hate me till death.
Babe don’t, say you won’t love me till death,
Coz till u hate me, you will remember me.
Love me lesser and lesser before,
Be faded with love.
I don't believe you,
You didn't love me in the past.
So your hate may be fake and pretentious,
As your heart might be cool and clean.
Babe, be faded with love.
Love me little that you don't love me.
Love me little that you don't remember me.
Love your dreams, love the drama you are involved,
Don't hate me,
Be faded with love.
I can behold the horizon,
Where you kissed me till dawn.
Babe, I can behold the grave,
Where I will rest after death.
Babe you hate me or love,
Dont fade when you rest in peace,
Aside my grave.
By:Raj Basyal
You said,
I should love you ,
I should marry you.
Oh , rascal thoughts!
I only sleep with the best,
Please don't ignore me for this zest.
You reveled, you will hate me till death.
Babe don’t, say you won’t love me till death,
Coz till u hate me, you will remember me.
Love me lesser and lesser before,
Be faded with love.
I don't believe you,
You didn't love me in the past.
So your hate may be fake and pretentious,
As your heart might be cool and clean.
Babe, be faded with love.
Love me little that you don't love me.
Love me little that you don't remember me.
Love your dreams, love the drama you are involved,
Don't hate me,
Be faded with love.
I can behold the horizon,
Where you kissed me till dawn.
Babe, I can behold the grave,
Where I will rest after death.
Babe you hate me or love,
Dont fade when you rest in peace,
Aside my grave.
By:Raj Basyal
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